Lambda Labs are distributors of Lambda Labs in Scandinavia.
Lambda Labs Company profile
Always a wavelength ahead… Lambda Labs is an innovative and technically leading company in the electro acoustic field with its headquarter in Graz. As first official Austrian speaker manufacturer in the PA segment, Lambda Labs continues the tradition of its country as a guarantor for quality.
The company’s name is composed of the Greek character “Lambda”, which is used as the physical symbol for wavelength, and the English “Labs” as a shortcut for laboratories. This wording typifies modern technique and targeted research in the field of the electroacoustic present.
Lambda Labs Principles
According to its mission statement Lambda Labs develops pioneer products and extensive concepts at the highest stage. The unison of the latest simulation models, electro acoustic know how, latest materials as well as their own high demands creates innovations that sometimes may win prizes. However, to be always a wavelength ahead doesn’t simply mean to develop high end products, but to shape them user-oriented. Therefore Lambda Labs’ top priority is the close cooperation with the users and meet their requirements on the front. Lambda Labs clearly backs on the high quality standards in Austria. To achieve that high goals, the development, the mounting of the parts and the quality control therefore exclusively takes place in St. Pölten near Vienna and is exclusively performed by qualified personnel.
Customer support on Lambda Labs
The account management plays a super ordinate role too. Our team is at your service at all times, and this round the clock. Thirst of knowledge and curiosity can quenched in our seminars and information events, in which the latest knowledge from the world of research and development from our company is brought within reach for the interested. More and more audiophile people confide in our products what reflects in renowned installations.
Here are the Lambda Labs products you can rent from us
Mit diesem aktiven Deluxe Lautsprecher von Lambda Labs bekommst Du kristallklaren und kraftvollen Ton für Deine Party. Besserer Ton ist schwer zu bekommen. Der Lautsprecher begeistert im Vergleich mit ähnlichen Produkten von u.a. Funktion One, VOID Acoustics, L´acoustics oder d&b Audiotechnik.
Lambda Labs Qualitativ hochwertiger 15" Zoll Subwoofer. Besser als Funktion One. Hier bekommt man wirklich viel Ton für sein Geld.
Wir empfehlen dir dieses Soundsystem für Veranstaltungen mit bis zu 200 Gästen. Sowohl die Lautsprecher als auch die Subwoofer sind von Lambda Labs.
Wir empfehlen dir dieses Soundsystem für Veranstaltungen mit bis zu 100 Gästen. Sowohl die Lautsprecher als auch die Subwoofer sind von Lambda Labs.